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What is DermoHEAL?
Skin aging is a senile phenomenon in which natural old skin cells are not substitute by young fresh ones. In fact skin ability to eliminate old damaged cells and replace them with younger healthy cell is reduced. This lack of regenerative power may lead to skin aging which is characterized by features such as wrinkling, loss of elasticity, laxity, and rough-textured appearance. DermoHEAL is a natural intensifier for regenerative forces. DermoHEAL extract, purify and empower multiple regenerative molecules (growth factors) and an important anti-inflammatory (anti-destructive) factor, called "interleukin 1 receptor blocker" from your own blood. These molecules are able to reduce destruction of skin cells and promote skin regeneration. In fact, DermoHEAL facilitate skin rejuvenation.

What are unique features of DermoHEAL?
•    DermoHEAL therapy is an autologous (from patient's own blood), natural (without any added medication or element) method.
•    DermoHEAL is a cell-free serum containing high doses of more than 8 growth factors which are responsible for tissue regeneration in human body.
•    DermoHEAL is a cell-free serum containing powerful anti-inflammatory molecule, interleukin-1 receptor blocker, which could be used as an effective anti-inflammatory medication in dermatological disorders.
•    DermoHEAL is suitable for patients with corticosteroid contraindications such as diabetes mellitus.
•    DermoHEAL is an appropriate alternative for corticosteroids in cutaneous disorders.
•    DermoHEAL regenerative and anti-inflammatory effects maintains up to 12 months in treated patients.
•    DermoHEAL is safe with no reported serious, life-threatening complications.
How it is performed?
1.    20 ml (two DermoHEAL kits) of your blood is drawn (similar to lab test sampling), incubated and centrifuged to enrich and extract natural regenerative molecules (growth factors and anti-inflammatory cytokines).
2.    A pure autologous serum is prepared with high concentrations of your natural growth factors.
3.    The serum is injected in affected skin by micro needling once, weekly for a period of 4 weeks.
4.    DermoHEAL therapy is an out-patient process with no need for anesthesia.
5.    There would be reports of localized pain or swelling in treated joint in some patients, which are limited and controlled by conservative management.
Please visit Gallery for more details on DermoHEAL preparation and injection.

Benefits of DermoHEAL
1.    DermoHEAL is a natural product, with no external additives. It is compatible with your immune system and has no allergic reaction.
2.    DermoHEAL enhance skin rejuvenation by promoting skin cells repair and reduction of inflammation. Safety and efficacy of DermoHEAL is demonstrated in clinical trials.
3.    DermoHEAL preparation method is simple with similar results on each try.

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